
Our company mainly specializes in such areas like energy and global environment. Our projects can be classified into 3 types: export of high-performance Japanese equipment; development, investment and intermediacy of renewable energy projects; CO2 emission-permits trading related business. In addition, all of our development projects are non-domestic and being performed in the foreign countries with rapid economic growth in both industrial and developing sectors. Due to possible risks it is not easy to develop energy and environment related projects in such areas as there is always a need to constant surveillance and stringent control. To help us to perform it we have divided the process into the steps that are listed below.

Development research and analysis

Using our own network, we are constantly searching for energy and environment related projects in the developing world. Then we are narrowing-down potential projects based on our experience and expertise. Considering various opportunities to be gained by the project implementation, we are thoroughly investigating the subject, assessing and analyzing the risks that may occur during its realization.

Negotiations and consultations with the other side authorit

After performing local surveys and analysis, we give careful consideration to the project setup process. The initial part of which is to conduct negotiations and coordinate with the relevant officials working in the concerning fields. Particularly to clarify local needs and ideas which will help formulate solutions and services that Japan can provide them with. As well as to assess the funds needed for further project realization. As a result of the above mentioned process, the optimal project execution scheme can be efficiently computed.

Project realization

Our company’s primary role is to coordinate and facilitate the project, entirely control the execution process. To achieve final completion by selecting the project type, we identify the other side demands and take into consideration the whole spectrum of the project capability. As a part of the project realization, we will negotiate with every official involved in the process as well as assist our customers with ongoing contract adjustment procedures.