
Credit support for wind power projec ポーランド

Project Outline

Current project was conducted in Poland with an aim to establish a 30MW wind energy farm (a set of 15 windmill pieces), as well as to develop local infrastructure by constructing access roads and power transmission lines.
The power is generated from the energy in the wind, supplying consumers with electric power wheeled through the electrical grid, which, in addition, allows to significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions generated by the benefits of the project activity.

Credit support for wind power project インド

Project Outline

The current project activity consists of bundle of 250 wind turbine generators (WTGs) for a total installed capacity of 56.25 MW. Considering environmental impacts of fossil fuel use in climate change, the current project was formed exclusively to establish, operate and maintain wind turbine generators by the Indian company operations.
The electricity generated from the WTGs is connected to the state electricity grid, wheeled through the grid and consumed by the project proponents at various locations of the state.
In addition, our company has provided the CO2 emission rights which were acquired in accordance with our customers requirements.